June 2020 Status Update
Montréal is hotter than ever in this month, under the broiling sun, it was an exhausting quarantine. The first month I remeber I was feeling fortunate I got this aleatory chance for advancement of taiwins in this global pandemic, right now all I felt was the painful experience converting all the Taiwins server code away from libweston. Implementating of server side wayland objects was indeed unpleasant experience. Without libweston, I have to implement every little thing and get it right, even the basics 2D homogenous matrix operations for coordinates transformations. Just a days I ago I discovered my mistakenly used rotations in the “Y-up” coordinate system (like OpenGL) in the “Y-down” coordinate sytem (like Wayland protocol). The good news was that I did not give up, it seemed I overcame one difficulties after another, now at least I can paint my taiwins shell objects using a primitive renderer. In the end, hopefully I will end-up with a working and cleaner compositor library than libweston. This is certainly an encouraging news as I used to think a compositor library was not possible to finish with only two hands.