Moving to Hugo, Aftermath

My blog is now back online, with brand new render engine Hugo. The URLs are totally different though. Not sure how web crawlers handling it right now. After the migration, I did a few extra work for patching the hiccups. Fix the build warnings and adding new features. The about page In every blog you always have some pages that you do not want it be inside the blog list. By default Hugo will simply place everything on the “navigation list”.

Moving to Hugo

For a long time I’ve been wanting to Migrate my blog system from Pelican to Hugo. One reason is that I had enough with python virtual environment breaks every 3 months. Another motivation is obviously I would like to replace Python with Go in my life. A long time ago I followed Go tutorial for getting started, surprised by its syntax tidiness and similarity to Python, and it is way faster.

Belief or Cult

It’s been a while that I haven’t update the blogs. It is so easy to slack off on good habits. “Oh I will continue once I finish A B C”. We are all busy as hell, in the software world, you WORK, you WORK and you GO TO SLEEP. Like this one, I am always hoping to switch to Hugo, then I can continue writing the blog. The thing is, I never got the good weekend to do the switching.

July 2021 Status Update

I am now back in Canada, quarantined again. There is much of internal struggle whether I should move back or stay in Shanghai? Working for tech company in Shanghai or many cities in China would be like endless crunching. Maybe I was not used to this high-paced lifestyle, long working hours. Didn’t like javascript either. It is a pity that I didn’t find a nicer job maybe opens to better opportunities.

Back with Org Mode

If there is one thing I’d like to commit it must be the my time mangement improvements. For that purpose, Emacs Org-mode is the ultimate tool for programmers. I can keep my notes nicely and I can track my tasks/errands all together. But all my notes are stored in my linux box, I lose access to them once I am away. From that reason, I was always on-and-off with using org-mode due to the portability.

Jan 2021 Status Update

Folks, the Magical year of 2020 is behind us, and it wasn’t a happy new chapter waiting us. Man, I still couldn’t believe, once per 100 years, why it was us who have to face the coronavirus. Now I take a good look of my 2020, I went from trying to submit a xcbcommon handling patch to weston to writing a full wayland compositor from scratch. It was not my plan!

August 2020 Status Update

It is a sunny day, somehow I got up early this morning. The cool, chilling breath of air reminded me we are at the tail of the summer. It felt so strange, this summer was like it was never here. Hiking, go swimming, taking a trips and night outs. all those experiences for a normal summer I would do, they are all absent, hope I don’t regret too much for crunching code at home all these months.

July 2020 Status Update

July, the hottest month in Montreal every year. The heat wave rushes to you when you walk outside makes you wondering if you are in some tropical island, it sure doesn’t look like living at 45 latitde northen hemisphere. Last month was a rapid leap towards wayland objects implementations and now I just hitted the wall of xdg-shell protocol. Today I’d like to talk about what it is like to implement a wayland protocol.

June 2020 Status Update

Montréal is hotter than ever in this month, under the broiling sun, it was an exhausting quarantine. The first month I remeber I was feeling fortunate I got this aleatory chance for advancement of taiwins in this global pandemic, right now all I felt was the painful experience converting all the Taiwins server code away from libweston. Implementating of server side wayland objects was indeed unpleasant experience. Without libweston, I have to implement every little thing and get it right, even the basics 2D homogenous matrix operations for coordinates transformations.

May 2020 Status Update

Forcing a monthly blog update seems to be a good idea, giving myself a reason to keep paying for this Domain. Also, I don’t usually has a topic to address specifically, a monthly update can fill this role. Anyway, time passes rapidly in quarantine my friends. I hope a few years forward when I look back at this moment, I would not feel I wasted so much time. I don’t actually feel I made much progress through this month.