It is 2016, low level coding is not needed anymore. We have programming
languages like javascript
and python. When people code everything with a class
and related methods. But do you remember we have a programming language called
C? When we had no class, templates, operator-override or implicit constructor at
esthat time. You actually know what are doing with C, no magic!
I claim no expert to programming, since I only have a four-year-old programming
life. But even you are inexperienced like me, you should still be able to code
some thing in C. IT IS fatigue to code in C, you have no standard containers to
rely on, you spend 10 hours to build a perfect deque
data type which works on
amortized O(1) complexity and has no memory leaks before you are able to work on
your project. Awesome!!! But why? Why try to build a huge robust data structure
in a non-OOP language? Instead of trying simulate constructors and destructors,
you could always use a double pointer to do the job. Have you ever seen Linus
Torvalds’s double pointer code? It removes on special case where you would make